Havant Rotary

Hermitage Stream Community Fair


We were pleased to support Friends of the Hermitage Stream at their summer Family Fun Day which was held on Saturfay 12th August.
The event was totally free for families, and it was lovely to see so many children and families engaging with nature in such a simple and enjoyable way with the bug hunt a real winner.
Havant Rotary ran our medieval slot machine which was great fun. We may need to practice the act but I think it was more fun when it went wrong.
It was also a great opportunity to explain to local people what we are doing to support our local food banks.
Havant Rotary Human Fruit Machine
Havant Rotary Human Fruit Machine

Some of our current projects

Lend With Care

Lend with Care

Our Club recently supported the amazing Lendwithcare organisation.It’s such a simple idea: Our Club ‘lends’ funds to the organisation and 100% of everything we lend goes to the entrepreneurs we choose to support.

Marys Meals

Marys Meals

We have supported the Mary’s Meals Charity for many years. It is a registered charity which sets up school feeding programmes in some of the world’s poorest communities, where hunger and poverty prevent children from gaining an education

Kids Out on the water

Kids Out on The Water

Rotary Kids Out on the water took 71 children from special need schools out on the water in Chichester Harbour in 25 private yachts on the 19th May.


Home Start

Home Start Book Donation

We were delighted to be able to donate books to Home Start in Leigh Park. The books can either be given to children, loaned or used on their out reach programme.